Since I've started making pins, I've been using 5 minute epoxy buttered on the back of the pinback and I apply that to the back of the pin. I cut a gouge to allow the epoxy to make direct contact to the wood. No pressure, no clamps. Just make sure the epoxy oozes through the holes on the pinback. Then I let it sit overnight.
I've had pins break but never had the pin come off the wood yet.
....I carve using only a pocket knife and an occasional chisel or gouge. Whenever possible, I like to leave the pins natural and protect them with a finish that will bring out the natural beauty of the wood. But some days, I just can't help but paint some color into my woodcarving!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Summer 2013 Starfish
A 2" tall by 4" Starfish pin carved for my wife, Michelle, from basswood and painted in acrylic paints and sprayed with Krylon Gloss Finish.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Some woodcarvings I've done since January:
A 3 5/8" tall by 1 1/2" wide celtic spoon carved for my wife, Michelle, from pine and coated with semi-gloss Minwax Polyacrylic.
A 3 5/8" tall by 1 1/2" wide celtic spoon carved for my wife, Michelle, from pine and coated with semi-gloss Minwax Polyacrylic.
A 2 7/8" tall by 2 7/8" wide heart shaped chip carving pin carved for my wife, Michelle, from basswood and coated with semi-gloss Minwax Polyacrylic.
A 3 1/2" tall by 2 1/4" wide egg shaped chip carving pin carved for a customer's request from basswood and coated with satin Minwax Polyacrylic.
An 3 inch diameter earth day face pin carved for my wife, Michelle, from basswood and painted in acrylic paints and coated with semi-gloss Minwax Polyacrylic.
A 3 inch tall by 2 1/2 wide by 1 1/2 " deep sitting Whittlebear carved for my wife, Michelle, from pine and highlighted with acrylic paints and coated with semi-gloss Minwax Polyacrylic.
A 3 inch tall by 2 1/2" wide Liberty Bell pin carved for my wife, Michelle, from basswood and painted in acrylic paints and sprayed with Krylon Matte Finish.
A 3 1/2" tall by 1 1/4" German Nutcracker pin carved for my wife, Michelle, from basswood and painted in acrylic paints and sprayed with Krylon Matte Finish.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Summary of 2012 Carvings
It's been a while since I posted to my blog. So, I thought I'd start with a summary of some of the carvings I did during 2012.
The shamrock pin is a 1/2" deep x 1 3/4" wide x 2 3/4"tall deep relief carved in basswood painted and highlights dry brushed with acrylic paints and sprayed with clear hi-gloss lacquer.
The St. Bridget's cross pin is 2 1/2" square carved in basswood, and brushed with clear Minwax Wipe-on Poly satin and Johnson's paste wax.
The American Spirit pin is about 3 3/4" tall and 1" wide carved in basswood painted with acrylic paints and sprayed with Krylon matte finish.
The Happy Spirit ornament is about 3 3/4" tall and 1 1/4" wide carved in cedar and brushed with clear Minwax Wipe-on Poly satin and Johnson's paste wax.
The Easter Egg pin is 3 1/2 inches tall and 2 1/4 inches wide carved in basswood and finished with 2 coats of satin finish polyurethane.
The Dala horses are 5 inches square carved in pine and painted by my wife, Michelle, with acrylic paints, and finished with satin finish polyurethane
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